Thursday, October 13, 2011


Old towns can be so much more chaotic then big cities
The crammed streets, the noisy kids
The evening end snipe of the mosque
The pigs hounding on each other in the open cans of loathing fragrance.

As dusk dawns on us, it all comes to silence
And on the roof top while laying down, seeing stars
You feel a droplet on your cheek.
God is crying, seeing what the human kind has made itself
The water poured for us to clean our sins and be awake as new.

The sky line is heavenly
One side the orange clouds with the inflating sun
Just opposite to it we see the moon peeking from behind the blue clouds
I have never seen anything like this before

I am feeling cold and so I cress myself
But the feeling goes and as I open my arms again
It’s like I am hugging life, the true nature of our existence
Rain is the way god blesses us.

I am surrounded by so much concrete
Still I feel I can see past everything, the rain has washed all my inhibitions

Beyond the horizon I see a cloud grumbling
Trying to pour what’s in it, so much like you and me
Ready to burst but not able to
The thoughts keep on mounting and we diminish from within

As I repose again on the floor facing the sky
The drops falling on my body, making me feel I am still in a womb
Free of all tension, not answerable to anyone!!