Thursday, March 18, 2010

i mean whaaaaaaat?????

I am just writing this blog coz i am really vella in-terms i dont wanna do office work.... my boss knows i m writing this blog but she aint in the mood to screw my happiness... so i m continuing to do so....

Now days a lot of things are on my mind.... and coz i m so vella everything has anger, rage and negetivity in it... i am pretty angry on the amount of rapes around us especially the delhi rape case when a officer of 50 tried to rape a 23 yr old and when she said no beat her to death infornt of 200 people. The anger is less for the police officer but more for the 200 coward onlookers to this whole situation... One more case which has crossed all heights is when a brothers (rapists) raped a girl the second time as well. @ guys were sent to jail on jan 2008 for raping a girl near Gaziabaad, they were set free after 2 years and in jan 2010 and again raped the same girl. First of all why do you give rapists only 2 years of jail wasn't it 7 years... that also doesn't matter they should be castrated... may be then they will know how manly are they. What pisses me max than this is I am just able to write a blog upon this issue....

The other things pisses me off is the impatience among our generation so called born in the 80's... Look at our parents in small businesses in government jobs.. so happy to have decent pay that can hold life well... but us we want all and we want expensive..... I have a friend who drives asantro what she wants now is a honda city... i mean dude already ur dad is paying the petrol coz ur salary is to the minimum buying a bigger car is mere stupidity.... i travel by bus even though i can afford a santro... then comes clothes, my brother wears a 5k puma shoe whereas my dad is still happy with campus or bata... i guess it should be vice-versa the one who is earning is sacrificing... how cruel!!! these are just smaller things there ate other things like air travel (whats the problem with rajdhani), junk corners (once is a while a kfc and pizza hut is good.. my mom makes better pizzas at home), new clothing (wait for a sale if you please... a stupid lacoste shirt costs a 4k, the janpath almost equal to orignal is for 300 rs), gf/bf maintenance that's the high point, salary why not 20k if ur earning 15 and also why not 5 lac when ur earning 1 (if ur not satisfies at least don't crib).................. etc.......

Then comes the emo phase which not only i go through but 50% of the janta my age feel the same....the rage is on facebook and gmail and twitter via sulky quotes, abusive language, blaming stuff on life and the best rock song lyrics... i say metallica, greenday, POTF, kings of Leon, sabbath must be enjoying this free publicity... the used of words fuck and asshole and moron and son of a bitch (beat it that with Astrix usage... like we wont understand it after that... are we 4.. now days a 5 yr old uses in day to day talks).... when its all done and u reflect upon what u wrote and what comments u get, it seems useless..... and u again become the weirdo in the public eye... which u wanted to be and when u gain the status its a PISS OFF!!!!

I can go on and on... don't wry would be updating it as i get more screwed up day by day....

Another things that crazes my head out is the meaning of pessimist. I mean if every thing was according to the thesaurus we wouldn't have been called the generation Y but called as the 6th kid of Satyavadi Harish Chandra...
I mean just that pople including me have a slight inclination towards the dark side, knowledge about devil, Satan, Lucifer, i say even freaking wolves and vampires... doesn't mean we are pessimists... What the fuck!
I mean do I say all politicians are morons, that why Delhi sees no rain... papiyon ki nagri hai... or why do you see sports are you getting any money or do you play....
why the fuck you have a crush on Johny Depp when you know he is way outta your league...

thou shall continue....

Sunday, March 7, 2010

Why isn't there a mans day?????

we came with them... eve and adam
we made them... they cant produce you know!!
we cook for them, clean for them, we make a house for them... ya they are alive coz we are there....
we have the karwa chauth ka vraths (Though i am anti it)
we were suppose to be popes (but u knw jesus didnt tell it to a woman)
Arjun merely escaped a yr of womanhood...
Yuvashna bearded a child which was a crime coz he wasn't a woman
We aren't fathers coz we dont have the genitals... they aren't mothers coz they are not tender, careful, intelligent, generous, balanced, sane.....

... I think a mans day is needed... every day is a woman's day)