Friday, April 30, 2010


Sitting on the shore of river Ganga I was looking at the sun rise..... I wish I knew what Romanticism was then... I fell in love with the breeze, I was in aw of water, I didn't know time existed and I wouldn't feel my body as I felt EMANCIPATION through my veins and not blood.

I just heard air gushing through my ears, numbness through my body, going the natures way of free fall as I surrender to gravity, then the gulp of Poseidon the swirl in which I swayed, I touched the core of the earth and I came back above.... I wish I could
feel the same, but I guess the EUPHORIA just needs to end, that is its true calling... if not we couldn't feel the same rush again...

From far far away, I could see a little blemish on the white snow hidden mountains... It was the white house smearing light to the horizon. Everything was so peaceful so white, a sudden change of color of immediate ground looked red, it was the greatest gift of all the miracle of life. The mother steering in her kids eyes, as it starts to open its eyes to a anew world. Less of happiness but more towards tautness of life...

When you enter the hall of divine, with sparkling lights, lit faces and hymns in the air, it recalls ELATION for many. The belief of people on someone they cant speak, they cant see, they cant be with is extraordinary. To enchant his name from dusk to dawn, is this a real scenario or am I dreaming??? no wonder these times see such ATHEIST. But what still makes this ILLUSION still work??? no answer to this question is made. I wish our times see a modern miracle of god's own child.