Thursday, August 11, 2011

Where are we headed???

There is nothing left that inspires me anymore
Where ever I look I see people shackled by believes of urban reality.
Where is the inspiration as it was in the past centuries?
Wordsworth’s reality in nature
Arnold’s mused on the suffering and on the loss of a loved one
Eliot mourning towards the wasteland when the world wars struck.

What are we waiting for in the 21st century the new millennium?
Are we waiting for another world war or eternal destruction?
Or are we waiting for the son of the trinity to descent upon earth and save us again?
It’s a myth don’t count upon it!
It’s weird how insanity rules one’s mind
We see nature we see calm seas we see greenery, yea it all exists
But still we cater our imagination to drugs, sex, alcohol and nirvana

What is nirvana I ask?
Believe me there is nothing like it that exists, the salvation for Carpe diem
John Calvin was surely an intelligent man
He believed there is nothing like salvation that exists on earth, only Eden has it
And we being human are forced by god to sin and if we don’t we die
We have no choice!!

It’s such a drudgery seeing people fight seeing people living lives in a robotic motion
I am no different.
A job, a salary, a movie, a dinner. Where is our life?
The answer is moving around malls and expensive clothing.
Is this that we should live for, ask yourself?
It was so much better a thousand year back when men and women were together
No rules no boundations NO ROLES!!!
We meditated, we fell in love, we forgave, we danced, we contemplate
We had no regrets no hate no feeling for revenge
It’s like we are de-civilizing ourselves with time!!

The question is not where is life taking us? The question is where are we talking our lives, where is the world taking us?
Into nothingness into false believes of riches and into believing that urbanization and money is the cure to every problem.

By repeatedly saying it and may be believing it, it’s still a false idea and not the truth.