Saturday, April 6, 2013


I was scared to take the plunge for a long time;
I could see the demons crawling on me and shouting at me, to do it;
I was still scared but i was tired of people screaming,
There were voices that kept me awake all night.

I went to the devil's advocate to get some answers,
Was he with me? He wanted me to dive to jump,
But he wanted me to come out or he wanted to me drown?
I asked him and he laughed, he shrieked of joy,
What was I thinking? He is the part of 'the' devils fraternity.

He pushed me more towards the diseases that may come with the plunge
He wanted me to take a plunge!
He was feeding on the fear he was imposing on me,
But, I was prepared for the plunge,
I now fear no-one and nothing.
If I have committed a mistake, I shall bear its fruit
I am ready, and I now jump in the unending black hole not wanting to stop!