Friday, January 13, 2012

Just a Little Spark in the Dark

I was wandering in the night, to find that spark in the dark;
The closer I came towards finding it, my hopes and dreams towards it exceeded.

I didn't even recognize that spark, but i had an opinion that wasn't getting fulfilled;
To fulfill that spark I lost the precious things that came to my way.

I was a fool but I didn't realize it then, even if I did I didn't accepted it;
The leaves start to fade away and winter started crawling in my skin, but there was no sign of that spark in the dark.

The glow of every spark was dim, straight, casual and condescending;
The bright spark that I wanted had vanished as the world had turned darker by the passing of time.

By the time I had realized this it was too late, I ended my quest to find that spark in the dark;
But I still will wait but I won't let it fool me anymore.

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