Thursday, February 16, 2012

What do Men Want?????

I always thought you wanted someone special
someone special who was more than average and less then mad
i dont know what you got
but what i got was identity crisis
before i met you i was confused on what do men want
after meeting you i felt i was doing right
and now when all of its over i wonder what i want
they say love changes it all
hell yeah it does, it changed me
i just want to know one answer and then i thought every woman may think the same
do a man want a woman like me? no no he wants something who is totally opposite
as Alan said in two and a half men 'I am great with kids and old people, its just English speaking adults i have a problem with'
i think same is with women-  they are great with men half and double their age but when it comes to men their age they have no fucking idea
seeing a few friends of mine, male friends... i saw a pattern which was shocking
and changed my perception, mind it for the bad, completely
men just want women who can set them straight
they don't want women who are cool and let them do whatever, coz they will do it anyway
they want moomies... so women be cool but be a dud to make them stay
if u dont wanna change be happy be single be you...

ruining ur mood, signing off
from the ugly truth... Kady Gerald Butler

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