Friday, December 28, 2012


With every passing minute the time seems to be going back,
It's like nothing has been learnt so far.
You still trust the same people who had made a fool of you,
You still commit the same mistakes,
You still expect from people who never did you good,
You still become too ambitious and hard on yourself,
You still fall in love after being held to ground,
You still are friends with people who cussed you,
You still dream of the sky and forget to enjoy Earth,
You still think about the future and loose the present,
You still cry on what you never achieved, but you never worked for it,
You still let people make you feel inferior,
You still let people take you for granted as you cant change your heart,
You still compare yourself to the people above you, but you forget you are better than many,
You still crave to meet new people and make new friends, forgetting the one existing in your life,
You urge to get a companion, not knowing the only companion for you is you,
You still talk and you do nothing- a hypocrite,
What you learnt goes backwards, whats the point of growing anyways.

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