Monday, January 18, 2010

The mundane reality…

It was school bored from studies, tuition and dependency….. Now with jobs we are bored of the same old 10 to 6 life, independent from parents but dependent upon boss and salary….

While is school wanted to be in a relationship talking about love and the perfect first kiss…. Today we think it’s all a myth…. True love is in books what we want is space and space alone….

During courtship period life is a hot-air balloon light, colorful and airy…. After marriage it’s like a closed box of fish cold, suffocating and it stinks….

While doing a job we thought savings…. Hmm…. Party, holiday, SUV, resorts…. Reality check…. Children, rent, electricity, school fees, doctors…. Arghhh…..

Now what is left is death…. Living a decent life you are 80…. Still struggling with health but nothing too bad…. Then financial loss… grandson/daughter taken over your property… cancer…. Old age home and yea no medicines…. God help you!!!

Even after realization and repenting still you will go to hell….

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