Tuesday, February 21, 2012


Another no, but it feels like my first every time I get one,
Hopes get shattered and tears drop in sprints of water,
I shout and I curse myself and ask god why,
For days and nights I cry,
For days and nights I cut myself in agony of my being,
For days and nights I ask god why me,
For days I nights I think where did I miss,
For days and nights I promise myself I will give up, this was the last time.
The next morning I again put my bag-pack on my shoulder and I start walking,
Again I open a new book to start the same story but this time with a different step,
Again I start writing with my old pen but with new ink, hoping this time it would be right.
Again I fold my hands in pray and bribe my god for success,
Again I promise myself this would be the last time I try!

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