Tuesday, November 6, 2012


I stumbled upon a song while a random song search, it was surely a sweet surprise. I am not big a fan of both the artists Calvin Harris and Florence Welch, but their single 'Sweet Nothing' is surely something. But this time we will take a totally opposite route to understand a broken heart. Its about not the person whose heart gets broken its about the dilemma and pain of the person who brakes the heart (the culprit in many eyes).
A breakup is so easy for the person who gets dumped, its like 'Oh!! chuck it s/he is unlucky not to have me. Whats my fault they were demanding and they didn't like me; I wasn't the one who dumped them. I am the nice person here.' They get all the sympathy and the one who dumps take all the toll and half the people don't know why the dumper took that decision, and maybe the dumper was right this time.
'Sweet Nothing' describes the hollowness and the pain of the so called dumper. Well dumper is a relatively new term so please recognize it as the one who dumps their signification other and the dumped not used as a action word is also used as describing the dumped significant other.

Sweet nothing is the term used for the most bitter taste in the world. When the dumper dumps the dumped, it may seem that they did it for the better or they were happy making that decision. This is an absolutely wrong thing to say!!! The dumper is always in the dilemma if s/he made the right decisions. The past passions haunt the dumper and sometimes the good does get heavier then the bad. Then What??? Can the dumper go back but they can't. The sweet nothing implies that the dumper dumped for the better, but the dumper doesn't know what they are actually feeling. They are sad and they don't trust anyone. They can't tell anyone how they feel because no one sees them as a victim and always treat them as the one who betrayed. 
These thoughts suffocates you much, you feel like your heart is chewed by a roaring bear, trying to pound out even a seconds heart beat left in it. With these 5 words that said 'we can't be together anymore' the dumpers life comes to an end. It makes you feel hollow with whispers my fragments of your soul saying you are making this decision wrong and fast. With such a trauma even atheist would start praying to an element in the periodical table like to Lord Manganese. Putting your faith on something someone unknown helps you not to blame yourself, for felling that nothingness that embodies your eyes. It becomes hard to learn from your mistakes and it becomes harder to love again. The dumped doesn't put any blame on him/herself so its easy for them to move one while the dumper sulks in its own glory, ego, decision and wants.

For the dumper its tougher to let things go and not the dumped. The dumper takes in all the abuses, curses and blames of the dumped- thinking that its their fault and not the dumped. This makes them feel more chocked and insecure. This makes them feel hung as they haven't taken out their true feelings. This feeling of being in a cage of thoughts eats away their heart. The dumpers heart is always empty, un-learned, not understood and hence in more pain.

This songs goes to all the people on the other side of the relationship. Enjoy the song!!