Saturday, December 1, 2012


Burned to the core... with every word with every action with every second
Still the craving for more
Lost are the words when people say' learn from your mistakes'
At a level you burn because you like it, it doesn't hurt anymore
until its too late and the scars stay!

The tears wet the eyes, soaking the seas of sorrow
unending black 'w'hole of hollowness and emptiness
eyes red not of hatred but of agony for making a mistake when the result stood affront all the time
sometimes desire and passion blocks your conscious
until its too late and the scars stay!

Second turns to minutes, hours, days, months, years, decades
the pain still remains not as much as it was, as time is a good healer
what remains are the great memories and a thought
what if it was the wrong decision, if it wasn't taken would life be better
here is the time to control the emotions,
or the scars will never go!

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