Tuesday, November 1, 2011

The Easy Way Out

My dreams seem to shatter away,
Where ever I see is compromise,
People telling me to re-start, re-think, re-do and re-live.
What about me? I don’t know the answer myself,
What I know I am tired, confused and in-between the path of giving up.
The rage and frustration is creating a black whole within me,
The never ending pain
The never ending hollow
The never ending unanswered questions.
Why is this? We ask but we never get,
I am trying to get back on track but past still haunts me.
I want to see me in the eye and say it’s possible,
But I am tired and scared of my recurring failures.
I know it’s a part of life, but why why me?
I also know everyone asks the same questions,
But self pity and filth is what makes the doomsday come near.


  1. words are very...unnecessary
    they can only do harm
    vows are taken...for all of them to be broken
    life comes crashing down...into a little world

    feelings are intense and the words are trivial
    but the pleasure still remains
    nothingness is something not everybody fears
    silence itself is a story untold


  2. if u don't wanna fell anymore u write. u write and its been told and its out of your system. Silence sometimes act like poison, let it out and u will feel free!!

  3. Treat Your life not less then kingdom that you have won struggling ages in your past.
    Feelings that remain intense always draw conclusion for the future making life stagnant for unpredictable time.
    Keep urself happy and remain happy.. bless u
