Monday, December 5, 2011

The Rise of Jabberwocky!

Once upon a time it happens so, there was a boy and his name was Joe
Joe was young, he was smart and had a lot of dreams in his heart
he tried and tries but never prevailed, he tried to remain happy but always failed
His problem was he never gave time to his work, but this behavior gave him no perks
He cribbed and cribbed but that was of no use, the Jabberwocky in his heart had has his mind fused

This made him loose everything,
A good future, life, family, friends.... what was on his mind was his failure always
He never though that if not today there will be a tomorrow and this made him strike his heart time and again with a pointed arrow
Jabberwocky Jabberwocky fed him on his blood and all insanity came upon him in flood
He laughed at Joe, his horrible laugh and split his soul into half
Pleaded Joe pleaded the Jabberwocky to spare him , trying to chant the holy hymn
Now it was to late to repent as the Jabberwocky had sucked Joe's soul
Gabriel tried and tried but Joe couldn't get out his fouls...

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