Thursday, December 22, 2011

Clashing Stereotypes

I don’t get why people only think in stereotypes, We were not born with stereotypes in our lives.
It’s a man made agenda to bind people and not allow them to explore the many sides of their personality. The politics of men towards men and towards women.
Its universally known and accepted that anything that is not natural and not created by god soon see’s the doomsday, I don’t understand stereotypes at all; I am not Adam or Eve.
I didn’t cheat god by eating the forbidden fruit, then why should I bear the same brunt as they did.
Men to sloth on a job and a woman to bear the pain of a child in her womb, But this was ancient history now in the modern times the 21st century it’s all different.
Nowadays youngsters have girl boy roles only as lovers and friends and not as human beings, Any other relationship other than familial ones are held null, especially humanism.
A man is the protector, the funny one, the cheap one, the loved one, the pampering one, the bread earner and the one holding a relation together.
A woman is shy, fragile, needs help from a man in protection and feeling happy, she is a little jealous, a little insecure, knows her boundaries and laughs but not make any one laugh.
So what happens when break these stereotypes... the worse they become is crude language as social pariahs, Ya and it is the 21st century per se, we are disintegrating as we evolve. SO IRONIC!
We are becoming more complicated and more narrow minded.
A man if not macho is termed as a sissy ,If one man celebrates a beauty of another man is termed gay, If one man wants to be a stay home dad is termed his wife’s servant or impotent, a man without balls, If a man wears a bright colour shirt is named a pansy
A woman if she wears loose clothes she is termed as a tom boy and men around her make her feel like a boy and don't respect her feelings.
If a woman tries to be funny with her body language she is termed as a looser or a slut , If a woman takes care of herself she is termed as falsely independent by women and treated indifferently, If a woman laughs and shares the same interest as men she is told to get a sex change, If she likes her space as men she is termed insensitive.
No one sees what lies underneath the skin it’s a soul, A soul is not of a man’s or a woman’s it’s a being with emotions.
Such things hurt in ones soul, Try accepting people as they are, as they represent function, as they feel happy.
Take out these stereotypes, try loving the person as a person they are and not for what the social norms have put in your mind.
Let a girl be a cricket star and let a boy be a fabulous ballet dancer, Let a girl be a respected pilot and a man a house keeper.
Let people be what makes them happy.

Friday, December 16, 2011

Jab Aankh Na Lagi

Hum rah dekhte rahe unki ... par koi aahat nah hui;

palko ke chajje pe need ka pehra hone ke bawajood bhi raah na choothi.

Har parayi aahat pe hamari jhapkti aankhein khuli;

par unhe chod kar har insaan ne hamare dil ka darwaza khat khatkataya.

Fer bhi hum unhe talaashte rahe apne har lafz main har baat main har aarzoo main har ek ki shakla main.

Monday, December 5, 2011

The Rise of Jabberwocky!

Once upon a time it happens so, there was a boy and his name was Joe
Joe was young, he was smart and had a lot of dreams in his heart
he tried and tries but never prevailed, he tried to remain happy but always failed
His problem was he never gave time to his work, but this behavior gave him no perks
He cribbed and cribbed but that was of no use, the Jabberwocky in his heart had has his mind fused

This made him loose everything,
A good future, life, family, friends.... what was on his mind was his failure always
He never though that if not today there will be a tomorrow and this made him strike his heart time and again with a pointed arrow
Jabberwocky Jabberwocky fed him on his blood and all insanity came upon him in flood
He laughed at Joe, his horrible laugh and split his soul into half
Pleaded Joe pleaded the Jabberwocky to spare him , trying to chant the holy hymn
Now it was to late to repent as the Jabberwocky had sucked Joe's soul
Gabriel tried and tried but Joe couldn't get out his fouls...