Tuesday, May 28, 2013

A Sense of an Ending

You won’t be having those talks anymore!!

The rub of a skin…. The twitchy eyes…. The small smiles…. The unending laughs…. The small talks… The soft touch on your head…. The kiss on your forehead that says ‘it’s all going to be okay’… the tear drops…. The frustrated shout… the screaming apologies…the coming together at the end!

It sometime feels like an end of an era….
Not seeing those faces not doing those things again leaves a hollow in your heart….It’s like a part of you died and its ashes are stored in a little corner of your heart…
Sometimes in life you meet people you don’t want to let go but you have to….
From the people you meet in life you learn so much….
Being selfish and being selfless…. Finding you passion…. Finding your own voice and learning saying no sometimes is good….
Knowing how people judge you by the things you own and also knowing that material thing don’t make everyone like you…
To know how education doesn't mean knowledge and how the deepest truths of the world can come from the most unlikely person….  
To know how friendship also means unconditional love and also how relationships turn sour with one wrong word and then never taken back…
To know it’s fine to learn things by yourself and to learn from other people’s mistakes too….
You learn how once in a while trusting a stranger can teach you abundance and the best of friends can tear your soul apart….
How you are your best judge and companion, and reaching for help from others will make you go weak…
To know sometimes long lost friend can come to your rescue and teach you self worth….
How sometimes for other people's good you need to be bad and be the culprit….
How sometimes being vulnerable is not so bad… it’s better to make mistakes right now and not cry in the future for not making any mistakes…
To go travel and see places you never saw with your companions eyes and find a whole new world!
Knowing how cooking for someone else can be the high light of your day…
To know how one dance can change your life forever and one word can induce a new life in you…
How sometimes bad words are the best for you… and those sarcastic nice words take you to your death bed…
How LOVE exists in numerous uncountable tangents and that’s what makes the world go round….

It’s funny how a small section of your life makes such an undying impact on you…. That all your life experiences feel short….
This sense of an ending is takes your sleep and make your chest grow apart from your body….
You wish this experience never ended...
But at every moment of your life, with every new person you meet, with everything new thing you eat, with every new place you visit…. You lose yourself and you gain a new self…

This sense of an ending marks a growing change…. and its okay for things to end to mark a new beginning!

Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Rain in your Eyes

There is a time when you cant stop the rain in your eyes....
It's the feeling of a crash without any one else getting hurt and no blood...
When you see in the mirror you just see a person who is not sad but 'UNHAPPY'...
It's because after living and reliving failure..
After staring and re-starting...
After trying and re-trying...
You can't take it anymore and you see black clouds in your eyes that cause that rain...
No one can understand it... yes NO ONE!